TNT Ping Tool Crack + For PC TNT Ping Tool Torrent Download is a tool you can use to send ping commands to any specified website, in order to test the connectivity strength between your computer and the remote one. It features only the necessary and suffice options for executing this task, make it accessible not only to users experienced with networking utilities, but also those not familiarized with ping tools. Simple interface for sending pings Pinging remote hosts has a multitude of benefits. For example, you can test the lag time between two PCs when getting ready to host a LAN party, or get an estimate on the transfer speed when attempting to download or upload large files via FTP. As far as the interface goes, TNT Ping Tool adopts a simple and elegant window with a neatly structured layout, showing all options put at your disposal. Therefore, you don't have to juggle multiple panels to locate options and perform tasks. Ping remote hosts by URL or IP address The default website is set to www.nsa.gov and can be exchanged for another one by writing a new link. Although this isn't mentioned anywhere, it's also possible to write the external IP address of the server, instead of its URL. Once you've initialized the scanning operation, the application starts displaying log details, showing the server's IP address, total bytes sent, along with the response time and TTL (milliseconds). Where it falls short There are no options implemented for copying, printing or exporting data to file, so you have to manually write it down if you want to compare pings taken at different times. On top of that, the tool doesn't integrate options for changing the delay between pings or for automatically breaking the packet transfer. Instead, it has to be manually stopped. The screen doesn't clear between different pings either. No setup required, besides.NET Framework The entire program's wrapped in a single.exe file that can be saved to a preferred directory on the disk or copied to a USB flash drive, in order to run it on any PC. Just keep in mind that.NET Framework must be installed, since it was developed with the aid of this platform. The app doesn't update the system registry with new entries, nor does it create files on the disk without letting you know about it. In order to uninstall it, you just have to delete this file. TNT Ping Tool Review by www.softwarecure.org.uk Reviewed and tested by Andrea Coehlo in May 2009 Published on TNT Ping Tool With License Key [2022] 1a423ce670 TNT Ping Tool License Code & Keygen Stores application options for using this application as a ping tool, including parameters and settings. TNTPing = Directory where the software is installed. CreatePing = Name of the file saved on the host computer, where new pings are created. TTL = Character for calculating the roundtrip time, default is the digits between the slashes. The default for the time between pings is one second (1s). The longer time is the longer delay. Sleep = Time to wait before pinging another host (in seconds). Default value is 1.0 seconds. Range = Number of seconds for blocking the ping command, Default value is 30 seconds. If the time exceeds the range specified, the command will be blocked and pinging will fail. PongOn = Enables the command to be pinged. TimeOn = Enables the time of the ping, in seconds. ResultsOn = Enables the log of the ping. Timeout = Enables the time to pass before the ping command is blocked. LimitRange = Enables the range of numbers to be valid, in seconds. (Minimum value 0.0 and Maximum value 65535.0) IPAddress = Enables to specify an IP address, instead of a website. TTL = The time to live of the packet, in milliseconds. If the TTL is 0 the packet will not be sent out of the host and will be dropped. Character = Specifies the character, instead of the value. For example, if you write 10.0 in the box, 10.0 will be pinged. Interface = Specifies the interface, instead of the website. For example, if you write Inter-0.0 in the box, Inter-0.0 will be pinged. Info = Information about the computer being pinged, in the textbox. (Requires Administrator rights.) Hostname = Specifies the hostname, instead of the IP address. For example, if you write nsa.gov in the box, nsa.gov will be pinged. Link = Specifies the link, instead of the website. For example, if you write www.nsa.gov in the box, www.nsa.gov will be pinged. URL = Specifies the website, instead of the link. For example, if you write in the box, will be pinged. L = What's New in the TNT Ping Tool? System Requirements: Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660/ AMD Radeon HD 7870/ Intel HD 4000 DirectX: Version 9.0c For playabilty, the minimum system requirements are: Processor: 2.5 GHz RAM: 2 GB Graphics: DirectX 9.0c Storage: 300 MB available space Video Card: 800 x 600 display resolution with 16:9 aspect ratio Playable in-game: Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64 bit)
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